The aim of this activity is to show a letter’s journey from the sender to the addressee based on a slide presentation. Different pupils or children will then play out the roles of the people and objects that make the journey of the letter possible: the sender, the recipient, the mailbox, the postman, the post office workers, etc., and they will briefly act out the steps of a letter’s journey in front of their classmates:
- Writing the message (the sender)
- Sending the message (putting the letter in the letterbox)
- Collecting, transporting and distributing of the message (the postal service)
- Delivering the message (the postman)
- Arrival of the message (destination)
- Reading of the message (the recipient)
While this journey is being represented, the stops are pointed out by one of the pupils or children.
Time: 20 to 25 minutes.
Material required: posters with the names of the characters.